Discussion: Pay Per Post “Advertising”

Blogging etiquette is always a hot topic swirling amongst bloggers (and one we’ll discuss in an upcoming BlogTalk Radio segment).  Everyone is looking to turn their online venture into the next cash cow, but would you accept money to write a post on a topic, even if you weren’t interested? 

This is the premise behind such websites as PayPerPost and ReviewMe.  PayPerPost offers products, websites or services to review on a flat fee basis, whereas ReviewMe allows companies to bid on a post appearing on your website.  

Similar to sampling etiquette, the ethical question remains whether or not to disclose the motivation behind your posting.  

Would you take part in pay-per-postings sites? Have you and would you again?

2 responses to “Discussion: Pay Per Post “Advertising”

  1. Had to comment on this because it really irks me! I get emails all the time asking for a “sponsored post”, despite the fact that I state right on my email form page that I don’t do paid posts!

    I hate the idea of it. Blogs are supposed to be written by real people, not money obsessed robots who would rather trick their readers into buying a crappy product than provide honest opinions to people who trust them!

    A reader’s trust is one of the best things about blogging, and you’re ruining it and your credibility with sponsored posts. There are way better ways to make money online and keep your dignity in tact!

  2. Thank you for sharing your opinion Briana. We always appreciate when bloggers weigh in on topics.

    Personally, we’re not fans of paid posting, but to each their own!

    I think that a lot of people aren’t aware that this type of behavior occurs.

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